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Jere Vilander
Electrician – Finland

Jere Vilander joned Halton Marine in 2015. He works as an Electrician in maintenance department and commissioning. His work includes service and repair installations for customers.

When asked what he appreaciates at Halton, Jere answers: “Things I mostly like and appreciate at Halton are Halton´s values, comfortable work community, flexibility and in general well-being at work.”

At the beginning of his employment at Halton Jere worked at the hood workshop as an assembly worker. Then he was transferred to maintenance commissioning tasks. During these tasks he has received a versatile picture about Halton’s products and manufacturing methods.

Jere’s view of the work today and the future:

”I am delighted to work with the customer interface and get to see the destination of our products. The maintenance work at the factory is versatile, which guarantees the interest in the work. I am looking forward to learn new things and have varied work tasks.”