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Product / KVF

KVF 带有侧部喷嘴和集成送风系统

KVF排油烟罩采用新一代Capture Jet™技术,带有前部和侧部双向喷嘴,是一种高效的厨房通风解决方案,可去除烹饪器具排放的污染空气和余热,同时低速向厨房补风。

对于去除同等的热负荷,与传统排油烟罩相比,排风量可减少30% – 40%。

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• 通过HACCP*认证 (PE-567-HM03I)。

• 由于Capture Jet™ 技术的采用,排风量可降低30 – 40%。
• 高效率KSA多管式旋流过滤器(通过UL、NSF和LPS 1263分类认证)。
• 防止油烟沉积,油烟沉积可构成严重的卫生和火灾危险。
• 无气流的集成送风系统,以增强油烟吸收和舒适性。
• 按照ASTM 1704标准,对性能进行了独立测试。
• 排风量基于ASTM性能和有效热负荷的计算方法。
• 由于“准备安装”标准交付包,可实现准确、有效的调试。
• 采用无缝设计的不锈钢结构,以改善卫生和消防安全。


KVF排油烟罩所集成的技术和功能可以与以下技术或产品相组合,以进一步提高能效、安全、室内环境质量 (IEQ) 或排放控制水平。

More about M.A.R.V.E.L. technology More about Capture Ray™ technology FSS Product Page KGS Product Page



专业厨房的照明通常遭到忽视,但这一环节实际上非常重 要。我们要讲的不仅仅是能效和工作条件,还有卫生问题。 例如,采用高质量照明,更容易发现厨房内原本难以察觉的 污垢。

Halton 厨房照明既能最大限度缩短专业厨房的投资回报时 间,又能提供最佳视觉舒适度。

Halton LED 照明系统是专为专业厨房而设计的首款烹饪 灯。您可以将普通照明调节到 500 至 750 lx 之间,特定区 域可使用 1,000 lx 照明,尤其是质量控制区域,例如洗碗 机出口。 还可提供高品质视觉舒适度,接近日光照射的舒适度,并且 可节省大量能源。
Halton HCL 可进行多种控制,比如,根据自然光调节照明 亮度(减弱窗口附近的亮度,增强厨房其余位置的亮度), 从而进一步节省能源。

提供更佳的视觉舒适度和安全性, wellbeing
• 效率更高:平均发光效率为 40%,高于典型的高压气体 放电灯(疝气灯HID)。
• 亮度更高:可提供更佳亮度(平均为 750 lx),在特定区 域可增至 1,000 lx,实现更好的工作条件或质量控制。
• 减少目眩:光屏蔽性极佳,可避免工作人员发生目眩。
• 接近日光照射:由于采用更自然的发光光谱,因此色彩表 现更佳。通过结合使用两款照明系统(开口角度不同), 增强立体渲染效果。
• 最先进的配置中,浩盾Skyline具备了超高性能的调节光量与色温。它可以根据厨房活动创造如日光般的灯光序列,而提高厨师和员工的工作环境。 浩盾Skyline为烹饪照明增添了以人为本的维度。
• 更易清洁:照明模块采用嵌入式安装,减少了接头,更加 易于清洁。

• 节约能源:同等亮度 (500 lx) 较传统荧光灯可节约 70% 的能源。
• 长时间保持照明水平:在工作 50,000 个小时后,仍可保 持计算照明水平。
• 寿命更长:相同时间内传统荧光灯需更换 3 次。
• 投资回报时间极短:由 Halton 专门为厨房设计,可实现 最大成本效益。

• 可进行多种控制,例如,根据自然光调节照明亮度(减弱 窗口附近的亮度,增强厨房其余位置的亮度),进一步节 省能源 。
• 可以将聚光束照明系统安装在马达上,在不接触照明模块 的情况下调节其位置 (按指定需求)。

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Suggested specification

The hood shall be trademarked under Halton, KVF/KVI model. It will be equipped with the Capture Jet™ technology. KVF model also integrates a makeup air system on the front.

It shall be supplied complete, ready to be installed with all embedded technologies fully pre-wired from factory.

The following specifications shall be fully observed.

Hood outer casing
• Constructed from 1.0 mm AISI 304 stainless steel in a brushed satin finish. The joints of the lower edge shall be fully welded for better robustness, hygiene and aesthetic. All exposed welds are ground and polished to the metal’s original finish.
• Hood sides shall be of double-wall construction to enable the air supply of the side Capture Jets. Capture Jet™ technology.
• The hood shall be equipped with the Capture Jet™ technology based on the use of two sets of nozzles on the lower part of both the front and side(s). The Capture Jets improve the hood capture and containment efficiency, therefore reducing the exhaust air flow rate required and the energy consumption.
• The air used for the Capture Jets shall not represent more than 5% of the calculated exhaust airflow and the air speed at nozzles outlet shall be a minimum of 8 m/s. Slot- or grille-type discharge shall not be used.
• The hood shall be supplied with an integrated fan to provide the required airflow and static pressure to the Capture Jet™ nozzles. Therefore, an additional supply air system is not required.

Exhaust and supply airflow rates
• The exhaust airflow rates shall be determined with a EN(1) 16282-1 based calculation method taking into account both the convective loads released by the cooking appliances and the hood capture efficiency according to ASTM 1704-12 standard. Both the exhaust airflow rates and capture efficiency shall be justified by a calculation note.
• Any modification of the hood installation height together with the input power, type and dimensions of the cooking appliances shall be brought to the attention of the hood manufacturer as they all significantly impact the exhaust airflow rates.
• The makeup air design, especially the balance between exhaust and supply, shall be entrusted to the hood manufacturer as it also impacts the exhaust airflow rates and capture efficiency. It is also key to preventing cross-contamination between the kitchen areas.

Exhaust plenum and filters
• The exhaust plenum shall be constructed from 1.2 mm AISI 304 stainless steel in a brushed satin finish. The sides of the lower part shall be fully welded to be liquid-tight.
• It shall be equipped with KSA cyclonic grease filters. Constructed from stainless steel, its efficiency shall be at least 95% on 10 microns particles or larger, as tested by an independent laboratory. The filter shall also be NSF and UL classified. Baffle or slot type grease filters shall not be used.
• The exhaust connections shall be supplied with sliding balancing dampers. The exhaust plenum shall be equipped with T.A.B.™ pressure tap for quick airflow measurement.

 Option  M.A.R.V.E.L. Demand Controlled Ventilation
• The hood shall be equipped with M.A.R.V.E.L. Demand Controlled Ventilation system to automatically adjust, in real time, the exhaust airflow rates and this, hood section per hood section, in a totally independent manner.
• To that purpose, the hood shall be equipped with an ABD balancing damper and the control system shall be equipped with a complementary room temperature sensor.
•  The system shall be controlled with Halton’s Touch Screen, together with the other Halton technologies.
• The additional system-specific requirements described in the present document shall also be observed.

Integrated makeup air and supply plenum
• For better staff comfort but also to optimise the capture and containment efficiency of the hoods (thus optimising the exhaust airflow rates), the makeup air shall be introduced into the space at a very low velocity (less than 0.5 m/s).
• The hood shall be equipped with a perforated stainless steel front panel, combined with a honeycomb structure on the back. This draught free diffusion complex shall be easy to remove for cleaning and maintenance operations. The supply plenum shall be insulated on hood containment volume side to avoid any risk of condensation.
• The supply connections shall be supplied with MSM balancing dampers. The supply plenum shall be equipped with T.A.B.™ pressure tap for quick airflow measurement.

Light Fitting
• Each hood shall be provided with a light fitting equipped with T5 fluorescent tubes, providing approx. 500 lux at the cooking appliances working level. It is protected with a stainless steel hatch, IP65, with a tempered-glass light diffuser (the heat tolerance of the glass shall be -40 to 300˚C).
• The hatch shall be removable for an easy access to the tubes. It shall be held closed with screws. •
The light fitting shall also integrate the controls required for the embedded technologies here described.

 Option  Halton Skyline light fitting
• Each hood shall be equipped with Halton Skyline Culinary Light. Constructed from stainless steel, the light fitting comprises flush-mounted broad beam spots with a diffusion angle of at least 80°. Each spot is composed of a patented mixing chamber and a specific reflector. Both shall provide a good balance between direct and diffuse components without dazzling the staff. Especially, the shielding angle shall exceed DIN 12464-1 requirement and be at least 30°.
• The illuminance on the working surfaces shall be 750 lx with a CRI Color Rendering Index of at least 80.
• The LEDs life time shall be 50,000 hours. The power supply shall have at least the same life time and be DALI compatible. They also shall have a Constant Light Output feature, adjusting the output to keep the 750 lx illuminance required over LEDs lifetime.
• As a standard, the power supplies shall enable switching on/off or dim the light with one or several switches.
•  Option  When Halton Culinary light is extended to the entire kitchen and related areas, a specific DALI user interface with advanced functions shall be installed. Check the additional lighting requirements described in the present document.

 Option  Fire Suppression System
• The fire extinguishing system shall be from Ansul® R-102™ type and be pre-installed from factory for a better integration, at least for the plenum and exhaust connection(s) protection. The detection chain and fusible link(s) shall be fully integrated inside the exhaust plenum to not be visible at all.
• The cooking appliances nozzles shall, as much as possible, drop from the hood roof, without horizontal pipes visible inside the containment volume of the hood.
• The site complementary installation shall be carried out by the hood manufacturer or a certified partner. In all cases, it shall be an authorised representative of Ansul and the installation shall comply with UL 300 requirements and local codes.

(1) The European Standards published by CEN are developed by experts, established by consensus and adopted by the Members of CEN. It is important to note that the use of standards is voluntary, and so there is no legal obligation to apply them (source: CEN).


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