Two of the primary benefits provided for the business owners and operators that add value to project designs.
2000+ sites
connected and increasing
Upwards 144 million pieces of data
analysed per site and per year
Why smart services?
Services are often viewed as an expense, yet when ventilation and indoor environment quality technologies are maintained properly they reduce your cost overall! When equipment is neglected, issues are sure to increase, costing even more. Benefits of maintained equipment are:
- Reduced energy use;
- Reduced use of spare parts and better availability when needed. Reduced cleaning costs;
- Prevent hidden and irreversible damage of equipment;
- Reduce sick leaves of the staff;
- Eliminate complaints from the neighbourhood;
- No lost revenue due to down time;
- Increase hygiene and reduce fire risks etc.
In all cases, the profitability inevitably increases.
Halton Connect & Care Intelligent services contribute directly to the Highest Value of Ownership and peace of mind
Whether you’re a business owner, an end user, a facility owner or a consultant, our brand new and state-of-the-art IoT (Internet of Things) platform, and the smart Halton Care services it enables, provides you incomparable benefits. On the top of the list comes Highest Value of Ownership and peace of mind for the end users which definitively adds value to kitchen designs, doesn’t it?
But how do we achieve that goal?
Halton Connect cloud based web portal opens the way to Smart Services
Halton Connect is a state-of-the-art IoT (Internet of Things) platform whose foundation is an advanced and easy-to-use cloud-based portal.
It enables 24/7 remote monitoring of the solutions designed by Halton for you. It automatically keeps an eye on the operation of your system, and alerts you to any anomaly. If you desire, you can view the system from any computer or handheld device.
It also provides crucial information to our engineers to provide remote diagnostics when required, safely. And this is just a glimpse!
More about Halton Connect technology for commercial kitchens.
Halton Care embodies the best of predictive maintenance and optimisation
Halton Connect provides our service teams and engineers vital information enabling smart predictive maintenance, the first essential step to receive the benefits from the highest value of ownership.
There is substantially more to come. Our engineers have enough information even to optimise your Halton systems’ operation over time or provide recommendations to the staff or tenants about their use.
More about Halton Care smart services for commercial kitchens.
Halton Connect is as secure as intelligent
As a state-of-the-art IoT platform it means that the built-in 4G gateway of Halton Connect is designed to operate as a fully independent system in your building. It operates in an entirely secure way as it is not connected with your network. The data traffic toward the cloud is secured by a VPN (Virtual Private Network) and SSL encryption protocol (Secure Sockets Layer). The data collected are safe.
Halton Connect can send information to the Building Management System (BMS).
Peace of mind in all respects!
Less onsite interventions limit human contact in case of social distancing measures
As part of our Smart Services, Halton engineers always keep an eye on the systems and solutions. It enables fixing most of the system faults reported remotely, by a simple call to advise the kitchen team what actions to take. Some other faults can be fixed by our engineers by upgrading or modifying the controllers’ settings or software.
All that remains are the predictable or unpredictable interventions – in all cases strictly required – for consumables and other spares replacement and general maintenance.
Contact us!
Our team looks forward to hearing from you. Please give us a call, send us an e-mail or fill in the form. We’ll be in touch with you shortly.
For inquiries, request for quotations, ask our specialist. We are here for you.
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