Our Halton Group, with employees in over 35 countries and a global network of customers and suppliers, operates as a multinational entity. We understand the importance of proactively monitoring each country’s economic environment and development. In our business environment, we focus on four key areas of good governance: how the value is distributed to different stakeholders, purchases from the suppliers, labour productivity, and training in anti-corruption policies and procedures. At Halton we have a zero-tolerance policy towards corruption, both within and outside the group.
Code of Conduct
Halton’s Code of Conduct forms the basis for all of our actions and defines how we conduct our daily business. The Code of Conduct covers compliance with laws and decrees, prevention of corruption, fair competition, use of assets and property, and operating procedures related to personnel, human rights, and the environment, as well as all the whole of the implementation and monitoring of the Code of Conduct.
The goods and service suppliers of Halton and the representatives of the company must comply with the Code of Conduct aimed at them. Each Code of Conduct is approved by the senior management and Board of the Halton Group.
Read more about our Code of Conduct

Halton encourages its stakeholders to report any observations or suspicions of activities in violation of its code of conduct. People can make a notification through the electronic Halton Fair Play Forum, or by post to
Oy Halton Group Ltd / Fair Play Forum
Firdonkatu 2 T 146 Tripla Workery West
00520 Helsinki, Finland
All notifications will be dealt with confidentially by the three-person Halton Fair Play Forum. Only these persons will have access to the notifications and any related material. Notifications made in good faith will not lead to any action against the person submitting them, nor persons close to them, their employer or anyone assisting in the reporting. The results of investigations concerning any notifications will be reported regularly to the chairman of the board of Halton Group.

Group policies
Halton Group practices sustainable business by following common policies regarding quality, health & safety, and environmental aspects as well as privacy. Read more about our policies below:

Sustainable supplier management
The evaluation of suppliers is an essential component of our sustainability policy and procedures. We conduct supplier audits based on the environmental and social criteria of ISO 9001, ensuring adherence to our Supplier Code of Conduct and relevant labour laws. We prioritise ISO 14001-compliant suppliers. In the forthcoming years, we will conduct more in-depth supplier analyses.
Read more about our supplier management practices from our Sustainability Report.

UN Global Compact
We endorse the United Nations Global Compact strategic initiative for sustainable business practices and support the Global Compact’s seven principles focusing on human rights, fair treatment of labor, respect for the environment, and anti-corruption. Halton joined as the Global Compact participant on 17 December 2018.
Read more about our participation UN Global Compact, Halton Group Participation

Halton Group organisation
We operate within three key strategic business areas: SBA Halton, SBA Foodservice, and SBA Marine, Energy & Infrastructure (SBA MEI). SBA Halton specialises in catering to commercial and public buildings, healthcare institutions and laboratories. SBA Foodservice is dedicated to meeting the specific requirements of professional kitchens and restaurants. SBA MEI focuses on heavy industry environments and marine vessels. Today, we have sales offices in 32 countries.
Read about our organisation’s management from our Halton Management web page.

Economic value distributed to the stakeholders
In 2023, Halton experienced substantial growth across all regions, particularly in the Americas, Asia and the Middle East, compared to the previous year. The service business also exhibited notable expansion, primarily attributed to the successful development of Nelbud Services Inc. This US-based company was acquired in August 2021, and it specialises in life cycle services for professional kitchens. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic significantly diminished in 2023 in comparison to previous years. Furthermore, our purchases from external suppliers saw an increase in euro terms, correlating with the growth in turnover.
Read more about our value distribution from our Sustainability Report.

Corruption Perception Index
At Halton one of our focus areas is the scrutiny of corruption and bribery. As a multinational corporation, it is imperative for us to consistently assess the economic landscapes of numerous nations. A pivotal aspect of our anti-corruption framework involves gauging the corruption vulnerabilities inherent in each country, utilising data sourced from Transparency International’s (TI) annual Corruption Perceptions Index.
Read more about our anti-corruption policy from our Sustainability Report.