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Welcome to Halton's manufacturing unit in Lahti! – Visitor instructions

We are thrilled to welcome you to Halton's manufacturing unit in Lahti, Finland. Your safety and overall experience are our top priorities. Take a moment to familiarize yourself with the instructions below for a seamless and enjoyable visit.



Halton Marine Oy
Pulttikatu 2
15700 Lahti

Directions to Halton’s unit in Lahti

Travelling from Helsinki Airport to Lahti by train

Helsinki Airport is located 100 kilometers from Lahti. We recommend taking the train for a 50‒70 minute journey. Tickets can be purchased in advance at or through the VR Matkalla mobile app (available on Apple Store and Google Play). Alternatively, you can buy tickets from vending machines at the station. Remember, tickets must be purchased before boarding the train.

The Helsinki Airport railway station is directly connected to the terminal. Follow the signs leading to the railway station.

Board the commuter train P at the airport, then transfer at the Tikkurila railway station to a long-distance train bound for Lahti. The travel time between the airport and Tikkurila is 8 minutes, while the journey between Tikkurila and Lahti ranges from 35 to 55 minutes. Timetables can be viewed here.

Getting from Lahti railway station to Halton Marine’s Lahti unit

Halton’s Lahti unit is situated approximately 7 kilometers from Lahti railway station. To reach the unit using public transportation, you can take a taxi or a bus from Lahti railway station. For a convenient bus route, you may use the route finder provided by LSL (Lahti Region Transport) below.

Upon arrival

When you arrive at the Lahti unit, please follow these instructions:

  1. Speed limit: The speed limit on the unit yard is 30 km/h for safety reasons. Please be cautious of truck traffic in the yard.
  2. Parking spaces: Designated parking spaces are available right in front of the unit’s entrance exclusively for our visitors.
  3. Entrance procedure: Ring the doorbell at the front entrance, and our team will promptly open the door for you.
  4. Host arrival: If your assigned host is not present in the lobby upon your arrival, please wait for them in the lobby area.
  1. Visitor registration: Use the iPad available in the lobby to register yourself as a visitor. Take a Visitor tag from the designated area near the iPad and affix it visibly, such as on your chest.
  2. Secure belongings: If you have personal items, like bags or coats, please use the lockers situated in the lobby to secure your belongings.
  3. Safety orientation: Once prepared, your host will lead you through a brief safety orientation to ensure a secure and informed visit.
  4. Safety observations: During your visit, we encourage guests to actively participate in safety observations. Should you notice any safety concerns or hazards, please promptly inform your host or a staff member.

Contact us

If you need assistance or have any questions before your visit, please reach out to the designated Halton contact person with whom you’ve scheduled your meeting.

Your experience matters to us, and we welcome feedback from your visit. Please share your comments, suggestions, or insights through our contact form, and we’ll get back to you promptly.

Contact information

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