Halton FDA fire damper has now received EX Type Examination Certificate for Equipment or Protective Systems Intented for use in Potentially explosive atmospheres, Directive 2014/34/EU.
In addition to FDA, the certificate covers Halton FDB2, FEX, FDL and FDO fire dampers.
Halton fire dampers are type-approved class A0(A60) or H0(H120) fire and gas dampers for use in offshore, nuclear, navy and marine ventilation systems (depends the damper model). The dampers can be installed in rectangular or circular ducts. All fire dampers have a fusible link and they prevent the spread of fire and gases within the ventilation ductwork.
The fire dampers are constituted of iron frame and blades moved by electrical, pneumatic or spring actuators of a certified category II 2 G type, up to c IIC T6.
The type examination certificate (VTT 16 ATEX 019 Issue 2) certifies that the fire dampers can’t produce an ignition source which can ignite an explosive atmosphere.
Halton Marine reminds that the EX Type Examination Certificate is not automatically included with the fire dampers but must be specified in RFQs and orders.
For more information
Salla Ahlberg
Marketing Manager, Halton Marine