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Product / EDC

Halton Exe EDC – Fire damper (EI 120 S)

This CE marked fire damper needs minimum free space around its body in case of installation. It is suitable for both vertical and horizontal installation in concrete, masonry, or lightweight structures. Installation option up to 1.0 metre away from the structure (up to EI 90 S) has been certified. Fire resistance class is provided up to EI 120 S requirements.

  • Vertical (wall) and horizontal (ceiling/floor) installation
  • Frame construction is galvanised steel as standard. Stainless steel option available on request.
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This fire damper needs minimum free space around its body in case of installation. It is suitable for both vertical and horizontal installation in concrete, masonry or lightweight structures. Installation option up to 1.0 metre away from the structure (up to EI 90 S) has been certified. Fire resistance class is provided up to EI 120 S requirements.


  • Supplied with electrical spring return actuator (24 V or 230 V), or mechanical spring release (failsafe)
  • Sizes from Ø100 mm up to Ø200 mm are available
  • Maximum air velocity through fire damper in open position is 12 m/s
  • Suitable for use in ducts with a maximum pressure difference of 1200 Pa
  • Frame construction is galvanised steel as standard. Stainless steel option available on request.
  • No spare parts or additional installation frames needed, regardless of installation method

Installation options

  • Suitable for vertical (wall) and horizontal (ceiling/floor) installation
  • Spindle of the blade and the operating models (electric actuator or mechanical spring release) can be installed in any position (360°) in wall installation
  • Can be installed up to 1.0 m away from the separate element i.e. floor or ceiling (up to EI 90 S)
  • CE marked for installation in concrete, masonry or lightweight structure with fire resistance classes of EI 120, EI 90 or EI 60
  • Limit switch(es) available as an accessory for mechanical spring release (failsafe)


This product complies with the following standards:

  • CE certified according to product standard EN 15650
  • Fire classification according to EN 13501-3+A1 standard
    EI 120 (vho i↔o) S, EI 90 (ve ho i↔o) S, EI 60 (ve ho i↔o) S
  • Fire testing according to EN 1366-2
  • CE certificate of Constancy of Performance 1391-CPR-2018/0204
  • Declaration of Performance No: 10027-EDC-2019/01/01
  • Leakage through closed damper blade fulfils class 3 (Ø200) and class 2 (Ø100-160) according to EN 1751
  • Damper casing tightness class C according to EN 1751
  • Corrosion resistance: Salt mist test EN 60068-2-52

Dimensions and weight

100 99
125 124
160 149
200 199

Space reservation for fire damper

Weight (kg)

NS With electrical
With mechanical
spring release
100 2.7 1.3
125 3.1 1.6
160 3,5 2.1
200 4.2 2.6


Nr Part Material Note
1 Casing Galvanised steel Stainless steel options
available on request
2 Blade Asbestos free boards
made of mineral fibre
3 Inspection hatch cover Galvanised steel In case the casing is
stainless steel, the covering
is also stainless steel
4 Fuse Electrical model
5 Operating model (actuator) Electrical model

Operating models

Electric actuator

In the electric actuator (24 V and 230 V) system when a signal from building automation reaches the actuator or the fuse reacts to a rise in temperature (72 °C) power supply is switched off and the spring closes the damper blade. When the power supply is turned back on (e.g. during routine testing), the actuator opens the damper blade. The actuator is equipped with built-in limit switches for both open and closed position.

These actuators have a visual position indicator and fuses can be replaced from outside the device.

24 V (AC/DC)

The Halton Exe Durable Circular fire damper with the 24 V electric actuator option must be connected to buildings fire damper management control system. We recommend our Modbus based network solution, Halton Safe Management 2.0 (SM2) management system. This system enables the use of smoke detectors in ductwork or room spaces.

Operationally, when the Halton Safe Management 2.0 receives a signal from the fire alarm or smoke detector the power supply is turned off and the spring return actuator drives the damper blade to the closed position. When the power supply is reinstated (e.g. during routine testing) the actuator drives the damper blade to the open position.

The fire damper can also be connected to other commonly used building automation systems.

230 V (AC)

The Halton Exe Durable Circular fire damper with the 230 V electric actuator option must be connected to buildings fire damper management control system

Order Code Operating
Damper Sizes
ØD , mm)
Operating Voltage Limit Switch
 L1 BFL 24-T
4 Nm
160 – 400 AC/DC 24 V
 L2 BFL 230-T
4 Nm
160 – 400 AC  230 V

Mechanical spring release (failsafe)

In Halton Exe Durable Circular fire damper with mechanical spring release, the fuse reacts to the rise of temperature (72 ºC) and the mechanical spring closes the damper blade. It needs to be opened manually.

This operating model has a visual position indicator and fuses can be replaced from outside the device.

The limit switch (accessory) indicates the postion of the damper blade. When the blade is open (safe position), the limit switch indicates this position. If the blade is closed (failsafe), the limit switch sends an impulse to the monitoring system. This system triggers an alarm and/or stops/starts fans, depending on the designed system. The limit switch has no influence on the thermal fuse or release mechanism.

The maximum operating voltage and current is 230 V, 5A.

 Limit switch LS1 Closed position indication, enclosure class IP 65
 Limit switches LS2 Open/closed position indication, enclosure class IP 65


The Halton Exe Durable Rectangular fire damper is CE certified for vertical (ve) and horizontal (ho) installation in concrete, masonry and lightweight structures. It fulfils the fire resistance class up EI 120 (ve ho i <-> o) S requirements.


Fire dampers are shutters in ventilation duct systems and prevent spreading of the fire and smoke from one fire department to the other. They are equipped with either an electric operating model (actuator) or mechanical spring release (failsafe). Under both options, a fuse reacts to a rise in temperature, causing a spring-return damper blade to close position.

A fire damper with electrical actuator must be connected to a common fire alarm or building automation system.

In the electric actuator (24 V or 230 V) system, when a signal from building automation reaches the actuator or the fuse reacts to a rise in temperature (72 °C), the power supply is switched off, the spring closes the damper blade and seals the duct fire and smoke tightly. When the power supply is turned back on (e.g. during routine testing), the actuator opens the damper blade. The actuator is equipped with built-in limit switches for both open and closed position.

Alternatively, the fire damper can be delivered with a mechanical spring release (fail safe) with a fuse that reacts to the rise of temperature (72 ºC) and the mechanical spring closes the damper. It needs to be opened manually.

Fire damper management system

It is recommended that the fire damper with an electrical actuator is connected to an automatic fire damper management system, e.g. Halton Safe Management 2.0 (SM2). Testing for fire dampers can be done automatically in Halton Safe.

Only fire damper with 24 V electric actuator can be connected to the Halton Safe management and testing system. This system enables the use of smoke detectors in ductwork or in the rooms.

Operationally, when the Halton Safe control centre receives a signal from the fire alarm or smoke detector the power supply is turned off and the spring return actuator drives the damper blade to the closed position. When the power supply is reinstated (e.g. during routine testing) the actuator drives the damper blade to the open position.

The Halton Exe Durable Circular fire damper can also be connected to common building automation systems.


Please see/download Installation Guide for this fire damper from section Downloads.


No regular maintenance is required for the product.

To ensure proper operation of fire dampers, inspection must be carried out regularly according to local building codes. The minimum recommended inspection period is every 6 months. Documentation of testing needs has to be saved for future needs.

A fire damper with electrical actuator must be connected to a common fire alarm or building automation system.

It is recommended that the fire damper with an electrical actuator is connected to an automatic fire damper management system, e.g. Halton Safe Management 2.0 (SM2) with operating voltage AC 24 V. Testing for fire dampers can be done automatically in Halton Safe Management 2.0.

The fuse of a fire damper equipped with an electric actuator must be replaced if the fuse has been released because of a rise of temperature in the duct. The fuse can be changed from outside the fire damper.

If the fuse of a fire damper with a mechanical spring release (failsafe) is worn out, it must be replaced.

The fire damper is equipped with one inspection hatch, enabling the possibility to check the position of the damper blade. The actuators (electrical and mechanical spring release) include position indicators, open and close

Upon failure during testing of the fire damper, maintenance service shall be ordered from an authorised Halton representative to ensure appropriate operation of the product.


The fire damper is CE certified and marked according to the standard EN15650 and fire tested according to the EN 1366-2 standard.

A fire damper of fire resistance class up to EI 120 (ve ho i↔o) S requirements, also fulfilling fire resistance classes up to EI 90 (ve ho i <-> o) S when installedmax.1.0 metre away from the separate element.

The fire damper casing complies with the tightness requirements for EN 1751 class C. Leakage through closed fire damper blade fulfils class 2 according to EN 1751.

The casing of the fire damper is made of galvanised or stainless steel (AISI 316L).
The blade of the fire damper is made of fire resistant asbestos free board (mineral fibre).

The fire damper can be installed both vertical and horizontal position in concrete, masonry or lightweight structures.

The spindle of the blade and the operating models (electric actuator or mechanical spring release) can be installed in any position (360°) in wall installation.

In all operating models (electric and mechanical spring return), the fuse shall be activated at 72 °C.

The fire damper with electric operating model includes position indicators, open and close and is equipped with built-in limit switches for both open and closed position.

The fire damper with mechanical spring release includes one position indicator (open) or two position indicators (open and closed). It can be equipped with limit switch(es), open or open and closed positions.

The fire damper is equipped with one inspection hatch, enabling the possibility to check the position of the damper blade.

Order code


D = Diameter of duct connection (mm)
100, 125, 160, 200

Other options and accessories

MA = Material
GS      Galvanised steel

OP = Operating model
L1        BFL24-T (72°C) 24 V, 4 Nm
L2        BFL230-T (72°C) 230 V, 4 Nm
MA       Mechanical spring release

FU  = Fuse release temperature
72        72 °C

LS  = Limit switch (for mechanical spring release)
NA        Not assigned
LS1       Limit switch (closed)
LS2       Limit switches (open/closed)

ZT  = Tailored product
N          No
Y          Yes (ETO)

Code example

EDC-100, MA=GS, OP=L1, FU=72, LS=NA, ZT=N


  • Halton Exe EDC – Fire damper (EI 120 S)



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  • Installation guide – Halton Exe Durable Circular (EDC)


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    Suomi (fi)
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  • Installation Certificate for Fire Dampers (used in UK)


    English (en)
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  • Declaration of Performance (DoP) – EDC


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  • Construction Product Regulation (CPR) – EDC


    Shape 2
  • Confirmation for installation away from structure


    Shape 2
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