Halton’s Code of Conduct forms the basis for all of our actions and defines how we conduct our daily business.
The Code of Conduct covers compliance with laws and decrees, prevention of corruption, fair competition, use of assets and property, and operating procedures related to personnel, human rights, and the environment, as well as all the whole of the implementation and monitoring of the Code of Conduct.
The goods and service suppliers of Halton and the representatives of the company must comply with the Code of Conduct aimed at them. Each Code of Conduct is approved by the senior management and Board of the Halton Group.

This is how you report suspected violations of Halton’s Code of Conduct
Halton encourages its stakeholders to report their observations or suspicions of activities that violate Halton’s code of conduct. The announcement can be made through the Halton Fair Play Forum electronic announcement channel or by mailing to the address:
Oy Halton Group Ltd / Fair Play Forum
Firdonkatu 2 T 146 Triple Workery West
00520 Helsinki, Finland, EUROPE
Notifications are handled confidentially by the Halton Fair Play Forum’s three-person team. Only the members of the team can see the announcements and the materials attached to them. A notification made in good faith does not lead to actions against the notifier, their relatives, employer or persons who assisted in making the notification. The results of the investigations of the notifications received are regularly reported to the chairman of the Halton Group’s board of directors.