Unique installation of Capture Jet™ hoods due to structure of the CN Towers circular pod
Capture Jet is the global leader in high efficiency kitchen ventilation. The system can be seen from Australia to New Zealand and all points in between. Now Capture Jet has reached new heights with installation of a Capture Ray and Ecoloair system at the Horizon’s Café located in the observation pod of Toronto’s iconic CN Tower some 1500 feet above the ground.
Horizons Cafe was designed to follow the contour of the circular pod. This made the hood design quite challenging. A series of Capture Jet hoods with UV were designed with filler panels to provide a seamless semi circular ventilation system. The CN Tower dining is booked to capacity every night, so the CN Tower operators realized they needed to expand their cooking operation. The jumped at the chance to renovate the Horizons Cafe just below the worlds famous “360” Restaurant.
Halton was brought in to ensure and energy efficient design in a timely fashion. Some may wonder how we were able to bring the Capture Jet and Ecology system to observation level. Very fast elevators and some creative construction on the fan housing that allowed it be collapsed after testing and reinstalled on site. Halton creative solutions reaching new heights for our customers requirements.