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Product / KVV-R

KVV-R – Kitchen ventilation rectangular VAV box

Variable air volume terminal unit for kitchen ventilation

Halton’s Slide-In Terminal Units convert constant volume or booster coil systems into modern, energy-efficient variable air volume systems.

Slide-in terminal units are designed to transform inefficient constant volume systems to present-day variable air volume systems with low installation costs. The resulting performance of a system incorporating Halton’s KVV-R series terminal units approaches that of a VAV system using single duct terminal units.

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  • Available in many sizes; mounts in almost any square or rectangular duct.
  • Gasketing around the orifice plate and mounting plate give the unit a tight seal inside the existing duct.
  • Multi-point center averaging sensor amplifies flow signal for best control of low flow rates; center averaging feature provides signal accuracy, regardless of inlet duct configuration.
  • Interior housing is fully insulated.
  • Multi-blade damper is constructed of heavy gage galvanized steel to prevent vibration under high pressure conditions.
  • Elastomer seals on edges of damper blades allow low leakage during full shut off.
  • Formed flanges provide added duct stiffness at insertion point.
  • Casing may be configured to mount on either right or left side of existing duct.

Unit Capacities

* The minimum CFM value is based on a signal of 0.03″ WG differential pressure of the inlet sensor. Minimum Ps is measured at maximum airflow.


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